In the last tutorial we made a radial blur shader which would blur textures around the center of the texture. Today we will be learning how to use uniforms and how to make a motion blur shader and a gaussian blur shader.
Make sure you check out the last tutorial. Today, you will learn how to make three blur shaders. You will make radial blur. Motion blur and gaussian blur will be covered in part 2. Multiple pixelsShaders only process one pixel at a time. For bluring, we want the pixel to mix with the surrounding pixels. That is how we would achieve our blur. The easiest way to do this is to use "texture2D()" multiple times with different coordinates. We will make the radial blur first, because it's easier to understand. Radial blur is actually a form of motion blur, but in our case, motion blur will be side to side while radial will give an illusion of depth.
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October 2021